
Better Living

Find practical help with managing Type 2 diabetes through this informative toolkit.

Telephone: 0162 853 7900

Website: www.better-living.co.uk

Email: DSO-UK@takeda.com

Diabetes UK

Dealing with diabetes can be daunting, whether you’re newly diagnosed, an old hand, or even if it’s someone you know who has the condition. Having someone to talk to can make all the difference.

Telephone: 01376 501 390

Website: www.diabetes.org.uk


British Dietetic Association (BDA) is the only body in the UK representing the whole of the dietetic workforce.

Telephone: 0121 200 8080

Facebook: @BritishDieteticAssociation

Twitter: @BDA_Dietitians

Website: www.bda.uk.com/foodfacts/home#medical_conditions