Patient Participation Group
Haverfield Surgery is committed to improving the services we provide to our patients. The partners and manager of Haverfield are keen to encourage and support the patient participation group. The patient participation group seeks to increase the liaison between patients and the practice to be able to identify areas for improvement.
We hope that over the coming months and years Haverfield Surgery patient participation group will grow in strength and confidence. Our greatest aim is to ensure that the service provided by the practice will always be of the highest standard within our capabilities. We need your help and support to achieve this.
Our aim is for the group to be representative of the practice as a whole and as such we need to hear from as wide a range of patients as possible. We would especially like to have input from those patients who may be house-bound, with medical conditions, disabled, or indeed, carers. We would like to engage with patients across a wider age range, from teenagers upwards. Even if you do not visit the surgery very often we would still like to hear your views.
To join our PPG please complete the registration form.
Terms of Engagement
- Trust and mutual respect.
- Working together on an equal basis.
- Willingness to listen.
- Non-judgemental.
- Honesty.
- Realism.
- Openness.
- The PPG is not a forum for single issues or complaints.
- Confidential matters & discussions are not to be shared outside of the meeting.
- The practice will listen constructively to patient’s views and will respond explaining what action the practice will take. If no action can be taken the practice will explain why not.
- This group is to share insights & views about the practice & services provided here, not about the healthcare system as a whole.